Blog, Cacaomistry

Empowered by OTOP: Cacaomistry’s Story of Growth, Gratitude, and Greatness

When we joined the One Town, One Product (OTOP) program in 2022, I had no idea just how transformative the experience would be. It has been a journey filled with learning, growth, and immense pursuit for improvement, and today, as I reflect on the past two years, I am reminded of the strength of the Filipino entrepreneurial spirit and the invaluable support that OTOP has provided to businesses like ours.

In 2022, Cacaomistry embarked on its OTOP journey, full of hope and aspiration. Like many small businesses, we had our share of challenges—figuring out how to refine our brand, reach new markets, and improve our packaging. OTOP became our partner in navigating those challenges, equipping us with the tools, training, and opportunities to elevate our business. It wasn’t just about improving our product; it was about discovering the heart and soul of Cacaomistry. From redesigning our packaging to showcasing our handcrafted cacao products on a larger stage, OTOP has helped us grow in ways we never imagined. With each workshop, event, and collaboration, the program has been instrumental in pushing Cacaomistry forward, allowing us to bring Filipino cacao to more homes, both locally and internationally.

As we’ve shared our journey, it’s clear that OTOP’s support has been the backbone of our progress. I am incredibly grateful to the Department of Trade and Industry Rizal and DTI as a whole, as well as everyone involved in OTOP for believing in our vision and providing us with such intense support. It is because of programs like OTOP that businesses like ours can thrive, carrying the rich heritage of our local products into the world. While OTOP has given us many opportunities, it has also challenged me personally to become a better entrepreneur. The journey doesn’t stop at creating a great product—it’s about building a sustainable business that can uplift my team, represent the best of our country, and bring the taste of Filipino cacao to the world. With every success comes the reminder that there is always room for improvement, innovation, and growth. This challenge has become my motivation. For my team, for the people who believe in our brand, and for the next generation of Filipinos who will be more proud of the their local chocolates, I am committed to pushing the boundaries of what Cacaomistry can achieve. OTOP has been the catalyst, but the journey is far from over. We are constantly evolving, not just as a brand but as a business dedicated to making a lasting and tasteful impact.

As I look back on our OTOP journey, I am filled with pride, gratitude, and excitement for what lies ahead. We will continue to grow, create, and share the story of Cacaomistry, representing the best of Filipino craftsmanship and passion. And as always, we invite you to be part of this journey with us. To my team, and everyone who has supported Cacaomistry along the way—thank you. Here’s to the continuous pursuit of excellence, fueled by the heart and excellent taste of Filipino cacao.

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